Enroll in the course by clicking JOIN at the bottom of this page. This is a self-paced online course, with optional livestream. The next livestream webinar is on Saturday March 22nd, from 8am-12pm PST. If you register before that date, we will email you instructions for the live webinar the week prior. Course materials include a 68 page PDF Instruction Manual, companion PowerPoint slides, and course videos, including a recording of a previous live streaming webinar taught by Leslee Bender. ---------------------------------------------- Program Description: The Bender Ball® Method Training certification equips instructors with the proper techniques and systems to effectively utilize the Bender Ball® for strengthening the core without compromising the back. This experiential education teaches a robust coaching and movement methodology to help clients build body awareness, self-esteem and confidence. Walk away with a deep understanding of how to move authentically with one of the most innovative and impactful tools developed for the fitness industry. Program Highlights: • Discover the endless applications and techniques to utilize the Bender Ball® across virtually any fitness modality; (i.e.: Pilates, GroupEx, Core, Barre, personal training and beyond!) • Learn how to use the ball properly to protect the back for all levels and abilities • Experience the importance of lengthening and how it impacts all activities in life • Upskill your coaching language using intelligent cueing methods to increase body awareness for improved results • Cost: $149 • CEC’s: AAFA 4.0, NASM 4.0, NPCP 4.0, ACE 0.4, AAAI/ISMA 4.0 • Canadian CEC’s: BCRPA 4, canfitpro (2 FIS, 2 HWL, 2 PTS), BCRPA 4, CFES 4, Fitness AB 3.5, and SPRA 4
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app